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by John Cann

I guess I'll start with some of my wrestling background, there's pretty much not a lot to tell, I started watching the WWF at around 1995/96, I was quite young (yeah, I was born in '88), but still, wrestling seemed so I don't know, cool to me. Back in the day, you couldn't turn on Raw Is War without seeing someone like Goldust or Bret Hart or even Physco Sid (ah, the good ol' days), but I was never a WCW fan, my fragile lil' mind couldn't follow two federations, so like many wrestling fans, I chose the WWF, the one with better gimmicks, come on, I was only about 6, I know WCW had better wrestling (sometimes), but I think it was Goldust that kept me with WWF, but soon enough, I started watching WCW sometimes, because of Daffney, and maybe Marlena and Sable sorta kept me with WWF over the years, hehe. But that was back then....

So soon enough, a while later, once I was able to keep up with more than 3 storylines at a time, about a week before the 25th of April, while I was sitting at school twiddling my thumbs like always, waiting for the horrid bell to ring, and for another day at death trap dungeon *ahem* school to start, so my friend Aaron walks up to me, telling me about this New Age Wrestling thing coming to a nearby arena, so once everyone got word, and we got together the 25 pieces of neon green bristol board (just kiddin', more like 23), we were ready, but then, it hits you, like a slap in the face.

What if this federation really sucks?

Luckily I didn't have to worry.

Moving on, like always, my sister Katie and I wanted to get there early, turning out to be 1 hour early, with nothing to do but wait, finally some friends arrived and the show starts!

We're welcomed, then music hits, the Kardinal Sinner's theme, of course first thing coming to mind is "Oh look! Cheesy WWF knock-off." don't worry, I was wrong, like always. Well, I'm not gonna go on like this, telling you, the reader everything that happened. Spoiling a good show, and it would take hours to read.

And to be honest, Real Action Wrestling's sorta squirmed it's way into my normal schedule, every two weeks I go, I've never missed a show (yes, it's quite easy when you have NO social life, just kiddin' again) now, where was I? Oh yeah, wrestling, anway, I'd like to congratulate New Age Entertainment on such a good show, the wrestlers have good gimmicks, there's some good wrestling, and it's always so much fun!

So in my humble opinion, REAL ACTION WRESTLING RULES!

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